It was only recently I discovered my father was a famous singer in the 1950’s. His name was Jimmy Sacca. He died in 2015 so I never had the chance to meet him. All the same I think you could say I am a chip off the old block as I have had a lifetime affinity for music. I play guitar and I have written a catalog of pretty amazing songs. In addition I am into music production and know my way around Cubase. I found him with the help of the DNAngels. Their mission is to connect people with their biological families. I am forever in their debt. So there’s that.
I was raised under an umbrella of ultra-conservatism. We didn’t believe in getting a higher education. There was no need. The world was an evil place and was going to be destroyed. Only a handful of righteous were to survive. It was under the burden of this coming apocalypse we were encouraged do devote our lives to the church. Even so I managed to go to college where I took English Lit with an emphasis on creative writing. I just had to defy my parents and flee the church in order to do it.
I ended up an executive for a major furniture retailer in the state of Florida where I wrote copy and advertising campaigns and managed an endless roster of pending sales. Good money but not what I had envisioned for my future. Then in 2013 I had a cardiac arrest. I died. It was a surreal experience, a glimpse of the hereafter. I came back, but I was forever changed. I brought back with me a handful of fundamental truths. The first truth amplified is that we are all here on a round trip ticket. Another truth? We are here to share our talent and leave something of ourselves behind. And the third fundamental truth truth had to do with the power of intuition. Intuition is your liifeline. It’s your way of communicating with the next dimension. It will reveal your talent and lead you to your destiny. If you listen to it you will know the difference between right and wrong, the aura of good vs. evil. It’s when you ignore your intuition bad things will happen.
I have accomplished great things so far in my bonus life. It was not my time. I’m finally doing what I came here to do. Write. I’m a storyteller. My intuition has been hammering me for years. Since my brush with death I have finally surrendered to it. The project I am currently focused on is The Widows of Sunrise Cove. I have just finished editing the first book in the trilogy about a small town in Northern California where children are beginning to vanish. It is my Practical Magic. What I love about this story are the diverse characters who are relateable and fascinating to follow as they come to grips with a sinister presence in their community. The protagonist is a seventeen year old girl named Rebecca Beesting. She has taken it upon herself to find the children and bring them home. But she can’t do it alone. She will need help from four eccentric women who call themselves the widows of Sunrise Cove. To see a few things I am juggling at the moment visit my projects page.